Trading Ideas

Trading Ideas are screens designed to give you daily ideas based on both technical and fundamental analysis. Each screen category addresses an investing or trading strategy from a unique perspective.

Trading Ideas is an invaluable tool for uncovering potential winners. With Trading Ideas, you can find stocks that are leading or lagging the market, stocks with abnormal price or volume activity (since these are usually good candidates for above average performance), selections based on our Second Opinion, stocks that have done something unusual during the previous day’s session, volume leaders, stocks that gapped up or down, stocks whose volume was greater than 200% of its average daily volume and are up or down 5% or more, specific stock recommendations, as well as short-term trading strategies.

Our Screening Groups

Market Analysis
Market Analysis includes stocks that are leading or lagging the market on a daily basis. It identifies stocks with abnormal price or volume activity since these are usually good candidates for above average performance. These selections include stocks making new 52-week highs or lows, biggest gainers or losers, most active in terms of volume, etc.
Stock Analysis
Stock Analysis contains the best selections based on the Second Opinion criteria as well as Upgraded and Downgraded opinions from the previous day. It also isolates stocks that are considered to be the Best Longs (Buys), and the Best Shorts (Short or Put) candidates.
Special Situations
Special Situations isolates stocks that have done something unusual during the previous day’s session. You can uncover volume leaders, stocks that gapped up or down as well as stocks whose volume was greater than 200% of its average daily volume and are up or down 5% or more. Special Situations can be a valuable tool in uncovering potential winners.
Money Runner
Money Runner provides specific stock recommendations. Starting with a list of stocks which have been upgraded (potential Buys) or downgraded (potential Short-Sales) by the major Wall Street firms, Money Runner buys the stocks when the Second Opinion is upgraded to a Long or sells it short when the Second Opinion is downgraded to an Avoid. Money Runner includes a suggested Target as well as a Buy or Sell Stop. Stocks in Money Runner should be bought on the day they appear in the Today's Buys list, or sold short on the day they appear in the Today's Shorts list.
Trading Desk
Trading Desk is designed for traders who like short-term trading strategies. On a daily basis, the Trading Desk generates a list of stocks that are either approaching an area of recent resistance (Buys) or support (Short Sale) candidates.
Prime Ideas
Prime Ideas are the best of the best. Prime Ideas combines MarketEdge's finished technical research with S&P Capital IQs outstanding fundamental data. There are no selections for you to make other than the investment styles, which include Growth, Momentum, Value, CANSLIM, Bottom Fishing, or Short-Sale. Everything else is done for you.
Technical Setups
Technical Setups are similar to Prime Ideas but don’t include any fundamental criteria. Stocks are screened for specific technical characteristics, and placed in one of the following categories: Potential Reversals (Long), Potential Reversals (Short), Oversold Buys, Overbought Shorts, and Power Plays.

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As of: 02/12/2025


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As of: 02/12/2025


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As of: 02/12/2025
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Market Recap - 02/12/2025

Index Close Day Change Day % Change YTD % Change
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 19649.95 6.09 0.03% 1.76%
DJ UTILITIES 1011.02 -0.12 -0.01% 2.88%
DJ TRANSPORT 16317.04 -59.49 -0.36% 2.65%
DJ INDUSTRIALS 44368.56 -225.09 -0.5% 4.29%
NYSE COMPOSITE 20062.31 -105.9 -0.53% 5.05%
S & P 100 INDEX 2958.76 -2.94 -0.1% 2.37%
RUSSELL 2000 2255.89 -19.81 -0.87% 1.15%
S&P 500 6051.97 -16.53 -0.27% 2.9%
CBOE MKT VOLATILITY 15.89 -0.13 -0.81% -8.41%
AMEX COMPOSITE 5145.46 11.62 0.23% 9.8%
Dr MarketEdge Talks Stocks

Tuesday, February 11th 2025, 4:59 pm


$ 29 .95 /month
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About MarketEdge

MarketEdge is a unique suite of investment tools developed by Computrade Systems, Inc. The purpose of our service is to provide quality, independent research in a manner that is both easily understandable and immediately actionable for individual investors as well as professional money managers. MarketEdge features Second Opinion®, a comprehensive computer-generated technical evaluation of more than 3,400 stocks, along with fundamental research from Standard & Poor's. MarketEdge will generate daily investment ideas for every type of trading strategy thereby enabling one to trade and invest with a consistent, disciplined approach in all market environments.

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